Monday, September 15, 2008

Future Neurologist!!!

This morning in the waiting room Zeke told me that he wanted to be a brain doctor when he grows up.  I thought it was nice of him to say that and hey, who knows, one day he may be.  He is such a trooper with all these tests and all.  As you are reading this, I took this picture and put it on the blog while we were in the room for his test.  (nice feature of the MACBOOK) He is really tired and he put a little fuss when they started putting the wires on his head, but it is just cause he is tired.  We will be in this room for pretty much the rest of the day.  They want to record about 8 hours worth of brain activity.  Dr's are still unsure what is going on with him and we are pretty much starting over again and just making sure we are getting this right.  Please continue to pray for him as he undergoes these tests.  I am very thankful that my mom is here right now to take care of the other kids during this time.  Plus she really missed everyone so she flew in for a couple weeks.  (Thanks mom)  Thanks for all the prayers.


memepapa said...

Your more than welcome! He is so sad, I cried a little for him and certainly are praying for all 3 of you. I know that GOD is control of all.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick & Amanda
Just to let you know our hearts and prayers goes out to you all These are really tuff times but we know the LORDis there for yous to comfort and strengten yous,We Love Yous and are praying for a good Answer. Love Yous Grammpa Gramma Booth

Rachel said...

I'm praying for you guys - keep us posted. What a brave little guy. :(