Well, as you can tell from the title, our Saturday was jam packed. It started off with getting the family up at 6:30Am to go garage selling around town. There were a lot of them out yesterday and they all started around 7AM so we wanted to get our early. We usually go to get things to sell on Ebay which God really blesses us with that, but I think He knew we needed some stuff yesterday for ourselves so we got more for us than we did to sell. Then we got home around lunch time and I had enough time to eat lunch with the family before I headed off to walmart to finish up some stuff I had to get for the rest of the day. I went into work around 1PM to get ready for our SLT workshop that I do once a month with my (Student Leadership Team Leaders) and I always enjoy them. That was from 3-5PM. Then Amanda had girls Bible study from 5-6PM while I watched the kids for an hour and the teen boys of the youth group put together our new basketball hoop. Then from 6-8PM we have REFUEL which is our every Saturday youth activity. That is not all, because from 8-9PM we have PRaise Band practice. So needless to say, when the day was done (around 10PM) we went to bed and tried to get some sleep for a great day at church.
Beyond all the business of yesterday, our kids sure do know how to fill the day with laughter. In this video, AJ is having a blast. She is sitting up on her own, with a few falls here and there, and she is always making so much noise. She is defiantly going to be a singer like her mom. She makes so much noise that she makes herself cough. Then, (at the time it was not funny, but after watching the video we had to laugh) while we were practicing our Praise Band, our boys decided to have some fun too. I didn't put the whole video of the practice on it, just the part where the boys are having their fun. I wanted to see what we sounded like after only 2 weeks of practice, (actually only 2 times) so we decided to tape it. Watch the video to see who decides to join this little practice of ours. Needless to say, they are not from our planet :)