Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Soccer Has Started!

Bryson's first soccer practice was yesterday. He and "coach daddy" had a great time even though Nick was a little nervous since he's never coached before. I think he's gonna have a fun time. It's so sad to see him grow up but it's neat at the same time. He's such a great kid!

I also thought I'd put a video on here I shot of the kids playing in AJ's room. Sometimes I have the boys play with AJ to keep an eye on her while I take a bath or something. I heard them all yelling and playing Star Wars....even AJ. Apparently she was the bad guy (why is the littlest always the bad guy?). Anyway, I tried to capture it on video but I got AJ taking all the wipes out of her wipe container instead and trying to be one of the big kids like her brothers. Her bottom is wet from all the wipes and then she got a little sleepy and found her beloved blanket and thumb :)!

1 comment:

memepapa said...

Bryson looks so professional!
I can't wait to see him play.
AJ--you little stinker. How cute!
The boys were doing a good job of watching her, huh?