Saturday, September 27, 2008

Update on Zeke

Many of you already know what is going on with Zeke but I thought I'd put an update on the blog anyway. We had his appointment last Thursday to find out the results from the 8 hour EEG test he had done about 2 weeks ago. The doctor indicated that he did not have any seizures during that test but did notice some unusual readings when he is trying to transition from sleep stage 1 to sleep stage 2. So she prescribed him some medication for migraines.

After the appointment both Nick and I had very mixed feelings. To make a long story short, we are seeking a second opinion. I found out on Friday that our insurance WILL cover it (thank-you Lord!) and we have to get it going through the Primary Care Physician. As the advocates for Zeke's health, and as young as he is, we just don't feel right putting him on any other medication until we have more confidence in his diagnosis.

All those prayer warriors out there, please pray. I am praying specifically for a doctor who will take the time and will explain to us in layman's terms so we can better understand what exactly Zeke has. I know God has been teaching me through this whole circumstance. I told Nick the other day that it would be better if it were me going through something, but when it's your child it is really hard. Especially when they are so young and can't explain what is wrong with them. I guess this is just a fraction of a glimpse of what God felt when His only son suffered for ungrateful wicked people such as me.

As a mom I try not to worry and am constantly repeating the verse, "Be careful (anxious) for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God." Philippians 4:6

Will you pray with me? I will be forever grateful!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Like life isn't busy enough but this year I decided to coach Bryson's under 6 soccer team.  We are the "Thunderbolts" and we have 7 kids on our team.  I have really enjoyed coaching these little kids as I am a soccer lover myself.  Especially with being Bryson's coach, I hope these are times he never forgets.  I love my children so much and thank God for them all the time.  I love this picture of Bryson and I before our first soccer game of the season tonight.  

Monday, September 15, 2008

Future Neurologist!!!

This morning in the waiting room Zeke told me that he wanted to be a brain doctor when he grows up.  I thought it was nice of him to say that and hey, who knows, one day he may be.  He is such a trooper with all these tests and all.  As you are reading this, I took this picture and put it on the blog while we were in the room for his test.  (nice feature of the MACBOOK) He is really tired and he put a little fuss when they started putting the wires on his head, but it is just cause he is tired.  We will be in this room for pretty much the rest of the day.  They want to record about 8 hours worth of brain activity.  Dr's are still unsure what is going on with him and we are pretty much starting over again and just making sure we are getting this right.  Please continue to pray for him as he undergoes these tests.  I am very thankful that my mom is here right now to take care of the other kids during this time.  Plus she really missed everyone so she flew in for a couple weeks.  (Thanks mom)  Thanks for all the prayers.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Princess turns 1

We can't believe it, AJ turned 1 yesterday! It is exciting but yet sad. They grow up so fast...but she is doing so well. I love watching her grow everyday and the things that she does is so precious. We just had a day together as a family and Bryson and I (dad) made her a cake during the afternoon. After we were done with dinner we let her dig in and if was so much fun to watch. Meme and Papa sent her some gifts and then we let her open our last night. She had a blast! Here is a slideshow that we put together of the different photos fromt he past few days.

Friday, September 5, 2008

What a Concert!!!

Last night I had the opportunity to take 5 of my girls from the youth group to a concert.  We went and saw Building 429.  They were awesome!  We were one of the first ones there and so we sat, (or should I say stood) 2 rows from the front stage.  Literally we were like 10ft from them if that.  Plus we sat right in front of the speakers.  It was so fun and the girls had such an awesome time.  I was glad I got to take them.  They really did a good job and even though they were entertaining at times, the thing I like about them is that they truly are real about their faith in Christ.  Every song reflects it.  I have been wanting to do this for a long time, but I believe the Lord blesses us so we can bless others.  So, last night our family sponsored a girl named Steffany from Costa Rica.  We will be hearing from her I am sure here soon, but Worldvision does such a great thing for poverty and our family will have faith that God will help us support this little girl. Soon as I get another picture of her, I will post it.  Anyways, good job Building 429 and keep serving Christ.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

New Marines

This morning was a very special morning for one of my former Youth Members.  Not only did he just graduate high school this past school year, but today marked the beginning of another new journey for David Thomas as he graduated as a Marine from Parris Island boot camp.  I have never been to one of these ceremony's but it was very respectful and very proud.  America does a great job of turning out fine Marines.  David is a great guy and I am very honored that I had a part of being in his life.  David now will go on into Aviation for more training and as of now will soon be headed to Pensacola FL.  GOOD JOB DAVID!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Soccer Has Started!

Bryson's first soccer practice was yesterday. He and "coach daddy" had a great time even though Nick was a little nervous since he's never coached before. I think he's gonna have a fun time. It's so sad to see him grow up but it's neat at the same time. He's such a great kid!

I also thought I'd put a video on here I shot of the kids playing in AJ's room. Sometimes I have the boys play with AJ to keep an eye on her while I take a bath or something. I heard them all yelling and playing Star Wars....even AJ. Apparently she was the bad guy (why is the littlest always the bad guy?). Anyway, I tried to capture it on video but I got AJ taking all the wipes out of her wipe container instead and trying to be one of the big kids like her brothers. Her bottom is wet from all the wipes and then she got a little sleepy and found her beloved blanket and thumb :)!