Thursday, February 14, 2008

AJ eating carrots for the first time!


cory/shannon/cian/teagan said...

thats miss independent there. so very very cute. we're going to try cian on the cereal here too. so check our blog for that update. love you guys.

memepapa said...

AJ you are such a cutie! It makes papa and meme smile. Thanks kids for putting the movies on the blogs it certainly helps when we live so far away.

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone
We just got on the bloog and saw the picture of the baby eating carrot and saw her funny face How cute,she sure is doing a lot of things growing up so fast.and went on down and see her morning pictures they are so cute and see Bryson with his hat they are all getting so growing up. We sure enjoy the Blogg. Thanks for the up dates.'
Was over to your folks yesterday and grampa and I cleanes up there snow for themthey has about 6 to 8in and we went and did the church along with the pastor got it ready for prayer meeting, Your dad is doing really good but in a lot of pain,but Tammie called the Dr and got stronger pain pills she said she though he slept some what better, but the Dr said after thr swelling get down and he heals in a couple weeks he will be better ,Tammie said he is setting up more but has to do a lot of walking around some But he had a big doing on his back my heart goes out for him, well got to go just wanted to keep you posted he got a Good nurse but we will be glad when he doing good .give all the boys and AJ a big hug for us and ALL so HAPPY VALENTINE DAY TOO LOVE YA THE grandparents from HOPE

Rachel said...

It was fun to hear your voice, Amanda! :) What a cutie boys enjoyed watching this!