Monday, December 11, 2006

FINALLY OUT!!!!!!!!!!!

We finally got the boys (and Amanda) out of the home today as again the boys were really sick for the past 4 days. We sure have been battling a lot with sickness in our home, but we are now just more out and about down here and we are prone to catch more sickness. There is a lot of sickness going on down here...the doctors told us it is crazy sick!

I am glad that they are feeling better today though! We went to the "Huddle House" which is like a Waffle House (Nick's favorite) and then we got groceries. We always go to the thrift shop and so today the boys played with the toys while Amanda and I shopped. Well, it has been a crazy week, but things are looking up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bubba looks like he is ready for a role on Men in Black. :) Love ya Bubba and Zeke Meme